[Nut-upsuser] nutdrv_qx hangs after send: QS

Richard Flint richard.flint at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 12:46:04 UTC 2015


Unfortunately this approach isn't going to work.

I've done some further research and it would appear that it is the
underlying ugen device and not libusb that is failing to honor the timeout.


The person above worked around this by having the device opened in non
blocking mode using the O_NONBLOCK flag but this required changing libusb.

Am I out of luck?


On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:42 AM Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Apr 5, 2015, at 12:26 AM, Richard Flint <richard.flint at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Any idea how i can get NUT to build against this libopenusb which has been
> installed by Solaris?
> ...
> It might be possible to do the following:
>> • install openusb into an alternate directory (e.g. $HOME/local)
>> • set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to anything that doesn't contain the system
>> libusb.pc
>> • put $HOME/local/bin (or wherever openusb-config gets installed) at the
>> front of the $PATH, and symlink openusb-config to libusb-config
>> • reconfigure NUT
> Same sort of thing, just symlink or copy the openusb-config file such that
> NUT's configure script picks that up first (it's looking for libusb.pc
> first, then libusb-config).
> If that works, we can add openusb-config into the search.
> --
> Charles Lepple
> clepple at gmail
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