[Nut-upsuser] Windows usbhid-ups driver

Fairfax, Charles A. FairfaxC at missouri.edu
Fri Dec 9 17:30:51 UTC 2016

I'm having trouble with the usbhid-ups driver and Windows.  NUT won't connect to an APC SmartUPS 3000 via USB.

I've had good success with NUT and Raspbian as well as NUT and Windows using the tripplitesu driver.

The current system is:

Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit

NUT 2.6.5-6 installed from MSI installer downloaded from networkupstools.org

libusb-win32-bin- installed and appears to work.

APC Smart-UPS 3000 RM XL FW:691.19.D USB FW:7.4 is listed under libusb-win32 devices in device manager.
testlibusb-win also returns this info along with manufacturer, serial number, bus/device.


                driver = usbhid-ups
                port = auto
#             vendorid = 051D
                desc = "UPS-0031"

When I try to run UPSDRVCTL this is what I get:

C:\Program Files (x86)\NUT\bin>upsdrvctl -D start
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller Windows-v2.6.5-5-7-g72f380c
   0.000000     Starting UPS: UPS-0031
Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.38 (Windows-v2.6.5-5-7-g72f380c)
USB communication driver 0.32
Can't claim USB device [051d:0002]: libusb0-dll:err [claim_interface] could not
claim interface 0, win error: The requested resource is in use.

   0.087000     Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

If the problem is that interface 0 is in use is there a way to direct the NUT driver to claim a different interface?  Is that even the right question to ask?   I'm hoping someone has done this and can point me in the right direction.

I could just buy a Raspberry Pi for this but the Windows box is right there and I feel like I must be close to getting this figured out.

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