[Nut-upsuser] Low Battery event not occurring

Kamran Khan kamran at pssclabs.com
Mon May 16 17:30:51 UTC 2016

Hi Charles,

I made the change, and it still won't incite a poweroff:
[root at localhost ~]# upsc myups at localhost
battery.charge: 76
battery.charge.low: 90
battery.charge.warning: 30
battery.runtime: 1811
battery.temperature: 31.9
battery.type: PbAC
battery.voltage: 49.2
battery.voltage.nominal: 48.0
device.mfr: Tripp Lite
device.model: TRIPP LITE SMART2200RM2UN
device.serial: 2608CY0SM8##########
device.type: ups
driver.name: usbhid-ups
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.version: 2.6.5
driver.version.data: TrippLite HID 0.8
driver.version.internal: 0.37
input.frequency: 0.0
input.transfer.high: 0.0
input.transfer.low: 0.0
input.transfer.reason: input voltage out of range
input.voltage: 0.0
input.voltage.nominal: 120
output.current: 2.00
output.frequency: 60.0
output.frequency.nominal: 60
output.voltage: 0.0
output.voltage.nominal: 120
ups.beeper.status: muted
ups.delay.shutdown: 20
ups.delay.start: 30
ups.load: 17
ups.mfr: Tripp Lite
ups.model: TRIPP LITE SMART2200RM2UN
ups.power: 0.0
ups.power.nominal: 2200
ups.productid: 3015
ups.serial: 2608CY0SM8##########
ups.status: OB DISCHRG
ups.timer.reboot: -1
ups.timer.shutdown: -1
ups.timer.start: -1
ups.vendorid: 09ae
ups.watchdog.status: 0
[root at localhost ~]#
Broadcast message from nut at localhost.localdomain (Mon May 16 17:16:12 2016):

UPS myups at localhost on battery

[root at localhost ~]#

I added the "ignorelb" option and changed the "battery.charge.low" to "90" to try to get it to reboot fast.  No luck.  Got it down to "70" without it actually powering off.  Perhaps I have something else misconfigured...

I'm attaching a tar.gz of my ups directory.  Can you take a glance and see if I have something misconfigured perhaps?

Please let me know.

Kamran Khan
HPC Software / Technical Engineer

From: Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser-bounces+kamran=pssclabs.com at lists.alioth.debian.org> on behalf of Kamran Khan <kamran at pssclabs.com>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 9:58:44 AM
To: Charles Lepple
Cc: nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Low Battery event not occurring

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the response!

I don't believe the battery.charge is actually 30%.  I watched the "battery.charge" go down from "100" to "3", so I can only assume this field to be "%".  Here is what it currently looks like after charging over the weekend:
[root at localhost ~]# upsc myups at localhost
battery.charge: 100
battery.charge.low: 10
battery.charge.warning: 30
battery.runtime: 2273
battery.temperature: 33.9
battery.type: PbAC
battery.voltage: 54.6
battery.voltage.nominal: 48.0
device.mfr: Tripp Lite
device.model: TRIPP LITE SMART2200RM2UN
device.serial: 2608CY0SM8###########
device.type: ups
driver.name: usbhid-ups
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.version: 2.6.5
driver.version.data: TrippLite HID 0.8
driver.version.internal: 0.37
input.frequency: 59.7
input.transfer.high: 0.0
input.transfer.low: 0.0
input.voltage: 115.1
input.voltage.nominal: 120
output.current: 2.00
output.frequency: 59.7
output.frequency.nominal: 60
output.voltage: 0.0
output.voltage.nominal: 120
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 20
ups.delay.start: 30
ups.load: 17
ups.mfr: Tripp Lite
ups.model: TRIPP LITE SMART2200RM2UN
ups.power: 0.0
ups.power.nominal: 2200
ups.productid: 3015
ups.serial: 2608CY0SM882500034
ups.status: OL
ups.timer.reboot: -1
ups.timer.shutdown: -1
ups.timer.start: -1
ups.vendorid: 09ae
ups.watchdog.status: 0

Kept the first few of the Serial # this time.  Didn't realize it could actually be helpful.

Regarding the "-DDD" option, what command do I run this with?  Which command to stop and start the driver?

Also, thanks for the advice about "ignoreLB".  I'm going to give that a shot, but I'm still curious why it isn't sensing my Low Battery state and actually putting that information into my ups.status.

Please let me know about the "-DDD" option.

Thanks again for your advice.
Kamran Khan

From: Charles Lepple <clepple at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2016 4:52:18 AM
To: Kamran Khan
Cc: nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org
Subject: Re: [Nut-upsuser] Low Battery event not occurring

> battery.charge: 3
> battery.charge.low: 10
> battery.charge.warning: 30
> battery.runtime: 93
> battery.temperature: 32.9
> battery.type: PbAC
> battery.voltage: 46.4
> battery.voltage.nominal: 48.0

Is it possible that battery.charge is really 30% rather than 3%?

The 3016 protocol models have issues with scaling on some of the voltages and frequencies. You can see this by killing the driver, and restarting it with '-DDD'. If you want to mail that log to the list, please gzip it first. Also, only about the first minute would be necessary.

> device.mfr: Tripp Lite
> device.model: TRIPP LITE SMART2200RM2UN
> device.serial: nunyabiznis

Pretty sure the letters in the serial numbers are uppercase :-)

Given how many of the model names are reused for very different hardware, it can be helpful to see at least the first few digits of a serial number, but in this case, I don't think we have too many other reports of this hardware to go on. The closest ones seem to be: http://networkupstools.org/ddl/Tripp_Lite/SMART2200RMXL2U.html

> If I understand the NUT process correctly, it looks for this LB status in order to create the POWERDOWNFLAG.  "In upsmon.conf, add a POWERDOWNFLAG directive with a filename. upsmon will create this file when the UPS needs to be powered off during a power failure when low battery is reached."

That is correct. You can also configure NUT drivers to ignore the UPS's LB flag and synthesize it from battery.charge or battery.runtime: http://networkupstools.org/docs/man/ups.conf.html (search for 'ignorelb')

Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail

Nut-upsuser mailing list
Nut-upsuser at lists.alioth.debian.org
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