[Nut-upsuser] Help with Elite 800VA usb UPS

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 01:56:21 UTC 2017

On Jun 8, 2017, at 9:15 AM, Andrea de Lutti <adelutti at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your reply Charles,
> this is the "upsc" result:
> root at artu:~# upsc ups at localhost
> Init SSL without certificate database
> Error: Unknown UPS
Use the name from ups.conf in front of "@localhost".

> Trying with nutdrv_qx, protocol megatec the driver does not start...
What if you try nutdrv_qx without specifying megatec? (It should autodetect.)

If that doesn't work, please try to get some logs - they will look like this:


The author of the driver recommends a debug level of 5: "-DDDDD"

(Note that we are not looking for the debug output for upsdrvctl, but rather for nutdrv_qx. If you pass "-D" flags to upsdrvctl, it should tell you how to start the driver in debug mode instead.)

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