[Nut-upsuser] How to shutdown macOS / mac OSX from Network UPS Tools client - NUT

Roger Price roger at rogerprice.org
Sat Jun 8 21:16:18 BST 2019

On Sat, 8 Jun 2019, Joe Gervasio wrote:

> CMDSCRIPT /opt/local/bin/upssched-cmd
> PIPEFN /opt/local/var/db/ups/upssched/upssched.pipe
> LOCKFN /opt/local/var/db/ups/upssched/upssched.lock
> AT ONBATT  ups at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx EXECUTE      on-battery
> AT ONLINE  ups at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx EXECUTE      ups-back-on-line
> AT COMMBAD ups at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx START-TIMER  upsgone 75
> AT COMMOK  ups at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx CANCEL-TIMER upsgone

Is your System Shutdown Plan to shut down using upsmon or using the script 
upsched-cmd?  In upssched.conf you do not have a line

  AT LOWBATT ups at ... EXECUTE lowbatt

and in upssched-cmd there is nothing to shut down the system.

Have you tried typing the command "/sbin/shutdown -u -h +1" directly?  Does this 
perform a shutdown?


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