[Nut-upsuser] apc with rs232

grumpy at mailfence.com grumpy at mailfence.com
Wed May 29 16:21:30 BST 2019

On Tue, 28 May 2019, nicolae788 wrote:

> Apc uses a propietary serial cable and your convertar for sure it's wired
> standard. Refer to the following link for info.
> https://pinoutguide.com/UPS/apc_smart_cable_pinout.shtml
> Good luck
> On Tue, 28 May 2019, 15:13 , <grumpy at mailfence.com> wrote:
>> a friend gave me an old apc smart-ups 1250
>> it has a rs232 interface but i have no pc with a rs232 port
>> i attempted to use a rs232 to usb adapter but the ups goes nuts
>> i connected the ups to batteries and verified it was working properly
>> when i plug the usb cable into the pc the ups shuts down
>> when i attempt to turn it on it beeps twice and shuts down
>> this all occurs before i start the nut software
>> other than give up or buy a new ups, any suggestions

soldered up a cable today
the ups is in an out buiding with underground cable to the house
plugged the rs232 to usb adapter into a raspberry pi zero w
works great

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