[Nut-upsuser] How to handle flags as status?

Shakil Shaikh sshaikh at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 29 14:54:58 GMT 2020

I'm looking into the best way to handle the ups status that gets returned by NUT. I've had a brief look at the source and it appears that this status is actually a composite of flags, some of which cannot co-exist.

In particular I have a UPS that returns both OL and OL TRIM, which seem like reasonable statuses, but encode multiple states. A monitoring client has to know that OL TRIM implies online.

I assume that not all combinations of flags exist, but I also understand that the combinations that do are defined by the drivers. To that end it becomes difficult to enumerate them.

Are clients therefore supposed to list all possibilities, or split on space to get the flags back?

Thoughts appreciated
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