[Nut-upsuser] Simulating an UPS

PeReZ valepe69 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 25 06:48:16 BST 2022

I create a script to build a file for the dummy-ups to simulate an UPS from
other two in redundant mode for devices that allows monitoring only one UPS.

The diagram:

I made some configurations that I put here:

Can you look at them and tell me if it can works before I try physically?
Just saw an error on upsmon.conf where I put a symbolic IP address for the
two UPSes but I must put the name in ups.conf instead.

My doubts are in upsmon.conf where I defined a custom script to be called
on NOTIFYCMD and I don't know if now the upssched will be called anyway by
I don't know if upssched is needed to power off the UPSes.

Then in upsd.conf should I put the static IP other than

There is also a dummy.dev file with default values to be sure that the
dummy ups can read something even before the start of the script.
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