[Nut-upsuser] Building a Custom UPS with NUT Compatibility

Joshua Quesenberry engnfrc at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 20:34:56 BST 2022

Good Afternoon,


I'm part of team that's been tasked with building an embedded system that
does, among other things, battery management, including behaving like a UPS.
We'd like to take full advantage of integrating with NUT and hopefully also
it offers some support for running custom queries of the device? Can some
point me in a good direction for writing firmware that works seamlessly with
NUT? Are there any existing firmware frameworks that are open source that I
can look at? We haven't selected a microcontroller/microprocessor yet, but
we're familiar with Microchip and NXP, so if one of those would provide a
shorter path to results or you have a 3rd recommendation to consider, please
let me know.




Josh Q



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