[Nut-upsuser] Building a Custom UPS with NUT Compatibility

Joshua Quesenberry engnfrc at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 05:44:43 BST 2022

Hey all!

Thanks for the responses so far.

I’m not overly familiar with USB HID, so it sounds like I’m going to need
to do some homework there. Someone have a good intro learning in mind?

We had looked at the OpenUPS board and were prepared to move in that
direction, but we’re finding that it lacks a few needed features and
through testing we’re quickly running into power and temperature limits
that will only get worse once put into warmer environments. As mentioned
the OpenUPS board isn’t really “open” and getting them to implement some of
the features we need wasn’t going to happen.

Back to NUT, I guess I was hoping there’s an ideal implementation on the
firmware side that works fully with one of the provided drivers on the
Linux side. Openups-hid.c is interesting; is the protocol really as simple
as sending back data when the firmware receives a string like


Josh Q

On Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 5:12 AM Roger Price <roger at rogerprice.org> wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Sep 2022, Joshua Quesenberry via Nut-upsuser wrote:
> > I’m part of team that’s been tasked with building an embedded system
> that does, among other things, battery management, including behaving
> > like a UPS. We’d like to take full advantage of integrating with NUT and
> hopefully also it offers some support for running custom queries
> > of the device?
> Hello Josh, When you say "integrating with NUT" do you mean
>   1) At the low level, i.e. microcode which talks to a driver in NUT's
> upsd.
>   2) At high level, i.e. with NUT's upsd integrated into your system.
> Roger
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