[Nut-upsuser] New Cyber Power UPS

Mike the.lists at mgm51.com
Wed Mar 12 16:14:21 GMT 2025

On 3/11/2025 7:46 AM, Greg Troxel via Nut-upsuser wrote:
> Mike via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at alioth-lists.debian.net> writes:
>> The new one is a Cyber Power CP1500AVRLCD3
> Today I don't need a new UPS but I like to be ready.
> Thus I have a few questions/comments, if you are inclined and of course
> feel entirely free to not answer or to answer what you can without
> effort.
>    It looks like this has a UL 1776 approval:
>      https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1751073-REG/cyberpower_cp1500avrlcd3_1500va_900w_line_interactive_lcd.html/specs
>    Is that right?

Yes, there is the UL seal on the label on the  bottom of the UPS.
>    It is configured for 10 as battery.charge.low and 20 for warning.  I
>    would be tempted to increase those to 20/40, depending on your real
>    goals.  But I don't know how real they are anyway.
>    I am most concerned about safety, reliability, and runtime at around
>    100 VA, as I am thinking about router, switch and POE.  (For desktops,
>    I'm ok with a plan of powering down once power has been out for a
>    minute.)
> >    Your load value is 12, and I'm guessing that's 12% of 900 VA 
which is
>    108 VA.

108VA sounds abut right.  It is powering two servers
>    It looks like this takes 2 batteries, 12V 9 Ah.  Do you think that's
>    right?

I know it takes two batteries, I don't know their rating.
>    In theory that's 216 Wh as a 'not to exceed' value.  The specs about
>    say 108 Vah (a typo for VAh, but that doesn't really make sense as VA
>    is an AC concept).  Assuming 100 Wh usable from the battery (which I
>    guessed before finding the above specs), and 75% efficiency (?), this
>    should last maybe 45 minutes.  Specs claim 12 minutes at half load.
>    The runtime shown by nut is 4750.  Lots of conflicting information.

I have NUT configured to shut one server down after 10 minutes, the 
other after 30 minutes, then NUT shuts down the UPS.  So I don't run the 
batteries longer than that.
>    Have you put a power meter on your load (to read VA and W) to check
>    the "12"?

I haven't checked the power draw with a wattmeter.

>  Have you done a simulated failure test to obtaind the
>    actual runtime, and even better to log the battery voltage and claimed
>    runtime during the rundown?

I have simulated failure, but only with the time constraints mentioned 

>  This is a little rough on the batteries
>    but my take is that if batteries aren't tested once a year, you really
>    don't know if they are ok, and once a year testing isn't what kills
>    them.

I (or the power company :) ) usually test the UPS a couple times a year.
>    It seems like the trend is to have more and more output power from the
>    same 2 medium batteries.  (At work long ago I had an APC 1500 VA that
>    had 2 12V 18Ah batteries.)   I wonder if the efficiency at 100 VA is
>    as ok as it used to be.  To me "runtime at 100 VA" is the big thing,
>    but the specs are price and max power/VA.
>    Did you think about the sine-wave version CP1500PFCLCD?

Never looked at it.

Hope this helped.

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