Patches updated to nicolas/pu

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Fri Dec 3 00:00:00 UTC 2010

On Thu, Dec 02, 2010 at 11:16:06PM +0100, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

> OK, will do that. I just hope nobody is annoyed when I clutter up their
> email boxes with my patches and their successors :).

They shouldn't. If so, annoyed users may want to unsubscribe
(subscribing is not required to send emails here, AFAIR). We are here to
work on the code first.

> All other patches that I mailed as top-level threads the last days are
> still valid, I will resend the series from the thread "Patches updated
> to nicolas/pu" then (not today though).

Good! Please, release your topics (adding "PATCH vX").

I still didn't review all your topic but I think there are unrelated
changes in it. Could you split unrelated improvments into different

This is due to the topic oriented workflow. As quickly explained in
another mail, some changes may apply to master, next and others to pu.
At this time we /don't know/ where it will be applied (even if in
practice we have a good idea). Also, any patch/topic could be reversed
at any time so they all have to be atomic.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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