Invalid Config with 6.3.1??

Leif Walsh leif.walsh at
Mon Dec 13 23:15:47 UTC 2010

On Mon, 13 Dec 2010, Paul Grove wrote:

> Thats for pointing out the duplicate GMail entry, I've removed it
> without resolution to the problem.


> I afraid I've not ever programmed or debuged python...  I did a little
> google - do you want me to wrap the offlineimap object in some sort of
> trace module?
> Or I can run strace on it if you like - but im not sure if that would be
> very helpful.
> Im afraid I didnt mention last time, but the code does not die, I get
> these errors repeatly each time it tries to sync the accounts.  Also it
> is not getting so far as to ask me for the passwords as it should.

Interesting.  I guess it's just an offlineimap thing trapping the
exceptions and printing them for you.  If you can find the line where that
happens, you can change it to print the whole backtrace instead of just
the exception that occurred.

> Are you on IRC? So I can communicate with you to get the backtrace?

If you don't get anything resolved in the next few days, ping me again and
we can discuss how to do this.


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