Assertion error?

Philipp Haselwarter philipp.haselwarter at
Mon Dec 13 20:57:31 GMT 2010

Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at> writes:

> On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:21:04 +0100, Philipp Haselwarter <philipp.haselwarter at> wrote:
>> Hi Josh,
>> I ran into the same problem, a few times now.
> Thanks, the log helped. 
Thanks for taking a look.

> The error occurs in imapobj.append() trying to put the mail on the
> server. To that request your IMAP server answers with a:
> NO response: [CANNOT] Cannot APPEND to a SPAM folder.
> So this is essentially an IMAP server error. Is this a SPAM folder?
> Yeah, looking at the log, the folder is called Spam indeed.

Well guessed, it in fact is a spam folder :)
Still, it doesn't actually differ from any other folder. Apart from the
fact that it is probably the one with the highest traffic.
IIRC all of the problems occurred treating that folder, not sure

> OK, riddle solved. WHat are the possible solutions? WHat can we do other
> than append in this case?
> And what server/Version is that?

Dovecot v2.0.8, offlineimap claims to be 6.2.0, from looking at the
package, it looks like it's

Here are the details from the package:


source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::$pkgname/tarball/debian/$pkgver \

There's also a git-wrapper-package available, but it's flagged as
outdated, it still points to


What should be used in that place? I might as well send a patch to the
package maintainer.

Is "" still up to date?

Philipp Haselwarter

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