Thunderbird 3's new features?

Ng Oon-Ee ngoonee at
Thu Jan 7 04:08:44 GMT 2010

Hi all,

I've been using offlineimap for quite a while, its terrific. The new
Thunderbird 3 looks pretty impressive, but quite a few of the nicer
features (like thread previews for ML threads) are only useful if its
allowed to archive offline copies of the mails. Now, since I run
offlineimap to a local maildir and share that maildir using dovecot,
that would basically be a duplication of all my mails...

Any idea what's a good way to handle this? Some way for thunderbird to
access offlineimap's data directly perhaps? Or at least to indicate that
the data needed can be loaded live from dovecot and doesn't need to be
saved on disk....

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