Please help crash: null byte in argument for long()

Grigory Batalov gbatalov at
Thu Apr 7 07:25:12 BST 2011

On Wed, 6 Apr 2011 18:15:55 -0700 (PDT)
chris coleman <christocoleman at> wrote:

> You are right!!
> That file ~/.offlineimap/Repository-LocalFoo/UIDMapping/INBOX contains corrupt 
> data :
> 61410:213738
> 61412:213740
> 61413:213741
> 61414     P      
> 61416:213744
> 61417:213745

You probably should replace "61414     P" with "61414:213742" or "61414:213743".
I had similar error in localstate file, and fixing it helped.

> I looked for IDs inside mail reader software, but the numbers are very 
> different... they go from 1 - 19000
> The question: how does one manually retrieve the missing UID which corresponds 
> to UID 61414 ??

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