Gmail with nested labels

Jimmy Wu jimmywu013 at
Fri Aug 5 01:14:11 UTC 2011

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 03:08, Alexander <alex1452 at> wrote:
> I have "nested labels" in my Gmail account (e.g. "Receipts Travel" and
> "Receipts Work" under the label "Receipts")
> Unfortunately they sync as the folders
> Receipts
> Receipts.Travel
> Receipts.Work
> in the Maildir directory.
> Instead I would love to have real subfolders
> Receipts
> Receipts/Travel
> Receipts/Work
> Can anybody help me with the syntax for nametrans?
> Below my .offlineimaprc
> [general]
> metadata = ~/.offlineimap
> accounts = test
> maxsyncaccounts = 1
> ui = Noninteractive.Basic
> socktimeout = 120
> [Account test]
> localrepository = LocalTest
> remoterepository = GmailChuck
> [Repository LocalTest]
> type = Maildir
> localfolders = ~/test/Maildir
> [Repository GmailChuck]
> holdconnectionopen = no
> #sep = /

With sep = / my nested labels sync as folders.

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