only headers for selected folders?

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Aug 8 15:39:26 BST 2011

On Mon, 18 Jul 2011 13:52:17 +0200, Vladimir Marek wrote:
> > Now, there are some folders where I want to download ONLY headers.
> > Subsequently, if I open a message in mutt, it should fetch the body,
> > store it offline and show it to me.
> That's AFAIK not possible using just OfflineIMAP. OfflineIMAP stores the
> mails to Maildir, which can't store partial messages.

Exactly right. OfflineImap never looks at the content of Mails and
currently only gets full emails. It would be possible to implement
something so it will only fetch headers and inserts "BODY NOT
DOWNLOADED" instead of the real body for some folders. But dynamically
downloading specific emails when you open it in mutt is beyond anything
that offlineimap will be able to do in the forseeable future.

> The closest thing you could do is to point mutt directly to IMAP for
> Maildirs you don't want to mirror using OfflineIMAP and use mutt's
> header and body caching.

That would be a good way indeed. Filter out those "header-only" folders
in offlineimap and set up a mutt account that directly connects to the
IMAP server caching the headers for those folders?

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