Locally created mailboxes not synchronized to IMAP

Daniel Shahaf d.s at daniel.shahaf.name
Wed Aug 10 01:07:07 BST 2011

Vladimir Marek wrote on Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 00:21:42 +0200:
> > > Suppose we have two namentrans functions (nomral and reverse). For each
> > > folder we can check that they give 1:1 mapping. Just pass any folder
> > > name to be created or deleted through normal and the result through
> > > reverse (or vice versa for the other direction) and see if we get the
> > > same result. If not, don't do anything destructive and tell user to fix
> > 
> > Or, instead of requiring a reverse mapping, just generate it dynamically
> > from the nametrans mapping: every time nametrans is called, store the
> > original and mapped name in a data structure.  (A list of tuples, or
> > a dict keyed by the mapped name.)  Assuming people don't have
> > a six-digit number of folders this should be reasonable...
> That won't work for folders created locally which are about to be synced
> to remote side, which I would like to see implemented. Until then, that
> would be a nice check indeed.

True, but it narrows the problem down: a reverse nametrans lambdan needs
to work only for new-on-the-target-side folders.

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