Backup Strategy for OfflineIMAP

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Aug 18 08:29:21 BST 2011

On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 07:40:22 -0700, Tim Gray <lists+offimap at> wrote:
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> On Aug 17, 2011 at 02:33 PM +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> >Right, that is smart. I would probably use something similar. We should
> >collect such use cases and document them somehow, as the topic seems to
> >pop up quite frequently.
> I should add that I have a goofy maildir setup.

Everyone using offlineimap has a weird setup already ;)

> I don't know the proper 
> terminology for it, but my mail folders are physical folders on my 
> hard drive.  They are not denoted by periods in the file name.  So for 
> example I have a folder stored at `~/mail/local/lists/offlineimap`.  I 
> don't think this really affects the offlineimap side of things because I 
> don't have any nested folders in my IMAP account.  I just set the local 
> repository location to `localfolders=~/mail/imap`.

So you are simply using sep=/ in your config to denote the folder
hierarchy? Nothing that sounds very goofy to me :)

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