remote/local folder creation fails

Andreas Fink finkandreas at
Thu Dec 8 12:15:28 UTC 2011


I hit an odd bug, when trying to sync with offlineimap-6.4.2. Here my config:
accounts = gmail
maxsyncaccounts = 5
socktimeout = 90

[Account gmail]
localrepository = gmaillocal
remoterepository = gmailremote
autorefresh = 2

[Repository gmaillocal]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/.mail_offlineimap
sep = /

[Repository gmailremote]
type = Gmail
remotehost =
remoteusereval = get_username("gmail")
remotepasseval = get_password("gmail")
ssl = yes
port = 993
-------------------------------------- End of config-

I've got an error on syncing which basically says:
Account sync gmail:
 *** Processing account gmail
 Establishing connection to
 Creating new IMAP folder '' on server gmailremote
 ERROR: Creating folder Archived on repository gmaillocal
  Folder ''[gmailremote] could not be created. Server responded:
('NO', ['[CANNOT] No folder name given. (Failure)'])
 ERROR: Folder ''[gmailremote] could not be created. Server responded:
('NO', ['[CANNOT] No folder name given. (Failure)'])
 *** Finished account 'gmail' in 0:01
--------------------- End of

So I was thinking that I just start over, and download it once
completely again, but then I get two error messages, where the first
one is:

Account sync gmail:
 *** Processing account gmail
 Establishing connection to
Folder Archived [acc: gmail]:
 ERROR: Aborting sync, folder 'Archived' [acc: 'gmail']
  getfolder() asked for a nonexisting folder 'Archived'.
Folder INBOX [acc: gmail]:
 ERROR: Aborting sync, folder 'INBOX' [acc: 'gmail']
  getfolder() asked for a nonexisting folder 'INBOX'.
[[Cut out of all the other folders I have on my gmail account]]
------------------------------- End of error2

and running it a second time gives the same error as above (i.e. it
tries to create an empty folder on the remote side)

Commenting the line "sep = /", and starting all over again still gives
the strange error2, that the folder is nonexistant locally (of course
not, I just wanna start syncing for the first time), but the second
sync starts and it seems as it would work (didn't test it fully, since
I really want to have a slash as separator)

So what am I doing wrong?


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