Local → Remote Synchronization issue

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Fri Dec 2 17:26:46 GMT 2011

On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 07:29:56PM +0400, Dmitry Medvinsky wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using offlineimap for about 3 months and it worked like a charm. Then
> I got a vacation, and when I returned I faced the following problem:
> When offlineimap is launched everything is synced. Then it is left running for
> periodic syncs. And those syncs receive new messages all right, but it doesn't
> detect changes to the local mail directory, i.e. remote messages aren't deleted
> nor they are marked as read.
> I'm stuck with restarting offlineimap from time to time, but I'd like to work
> as it did before. If anyone could help, I'd be grateful. If I should provide
> some logs, just let me know.

You should at least say what version you're using.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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