[ANNOUNCE] Re: OfflineIMAP v6.3.2-rc3 released

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Wed Feb 9 18:28:04 GMT 2011

On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 10:52:39PM +0100, sebastian at sspaeth.de wrote:
> Depends. *I* rather want to be notified of a essage which failed to sync
> properly as I rely on syncing to work. If it simply continues with 6 other
> accounts, the failure would be so buried in the log that I would likely
> never discover that offlineimap failed to sync properly. So *I* prefer the
> "break immediately" mode, but then I only sync 1 account.
> Reading the archive backlogs, this has been an often complained thing in
> the past few *years* though.

What about logging the full trace, continue and output a warning (or
even full traces if some configuration in place) just before ending?

Nicolas Sebrecht

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