Help with synchronsiation configuration

Thomas Kahle tomka at
Thu Feb 24 17:37:21 GMT 2011


On 15:58 Thu 24 Feb     , HeX wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm really struggling getting offlineimap to work the way I like it. So
> far I could not really find the right documentation for this so perhaps
> you can help me.
> My user case is the following. I like to sync one normal IMAP account
> with a Gmail account. More accurately everything in the 'normal' account
> should be synched to the Gmail account under a certain 'LABEL' (i.e.,
> folder).
> My configuration looks like this:
> [general]
> accounts = Test
> ui = TTY.TTYUI
> [Account Test]
> localrepository = NORMAL
> remoterepository = Gmail
> [Repository NORMAL]
> type = IMAP
> remotehost =
> remoteuser = foo
> remotepass = ****
> ssl = yes
> [Repository Gmail]
> type = Gmail
> remoteuser = foo
> remotepass = ****
> ssl = yes
> realdelete = no
> folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in  ['LABEL']

Your usage of folderfilter is not doing what you intend to do, I think.
With your setup offlineimap will ignore every folder except a folder
called "LABEL".  I suppose there is no folder "LABEL" on the "NORMAL"
account, so offlineimap does nothing.  What you are aiming at is a
translation of folder names.  This can be done using auxilliary python

This old mail might be a starting point for further research:

Hope it helps,

> Offlinemap works along but in the end both mail accounts stay the same.
> I tried already swapping local and remote repository but local does not
> like 'Gmail' as type (bug?). So I must be missing something obvious and
> am more than happy of one could point out where I've failed miserably...
> Thanks,
> HeX
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Thomas Kahle
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