Help with synchronsiation configuration

HeX dietmarw at
Fri Feb 25 13:09:56 GMT 2011

Thanks Thomas,

that definetly helped a lot. Still I'm mainly feeling like poking into a
black box with the different configuration settings.

One thing I'm particular curious about is why does the 'folderfilter'
statement work on both repos when it is defined only in one specific
repo definition. If this is the case should this option not belong into
the [Account xxx] section rather then the [Repository xxx] section. At
least this is more logically to me.

I just noticed that now that offlineimap is happily running along it is
generating duplicates in one of my accounts. But that's probably a bug
of version (shipped with Ubuntu 10.10).


PS: The other thing I'm still wondering is why I can't have a Gmail type
defined as "local". Actually the "local" term might not be the best for
synching two IMAPS directly anyway. My first try when setting up was
actually defining two remotes in the accounts section. But that failed.

Den 24. feb. 2011 18:37, skrev Thomas Kahle:
> Hi!
> On 15:58 Thu 24 Feb     , HeX wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I'm really struggling getting offlineimap to work the way I like it. So
>> far I could not really find the right documentation for this so perhaps
>> you can help me.
>> My user case is the following. I like to sync one normal IMAP account
>> with a Gmail account. More accurately everything in the 'normal' account
>> should be synched to the Gmail account under a certain 'LABEL' (i.e.,
>> folder).
>> My configuration looks like this:
>> [general]
>> accounts = Test
>> ui = TTY.TTYUI
>> [Account Test]
>> localrepository = NORMAL
>> remoterepository = Gmail
>> [Repository NORMAL]
>> type = IMAP
>> remotehost =
>> remoteuser = foo
>> remotepass = ****
>> ssl = yes
>> [Repository Gmail]
>> type = Gmail
>> remoteuser = foo
>> remotepass = ****
>> ssl = yes
>> realdelete = no
>> folderfilter = lambda foldername: foldername in  ['LABEL']
> Your usage of folderfilter is not doing what you intend to do, I think.
> With your setup offlineimap will ignore every folder except a folder
> called "LABEL".  I suppose there is no folder "LABEL" on the "NORMAL"
> account, so offlineimap does nothing.  What you are aiming at is a
> translation of folder names.  This can be done using auxilliary python
> code.
> This old mail might be a starting point for further research:
> Hope it helps,
> Thomas
>> Offlinemap works along but in the end both mail accounts stay the same.
>> I tried already swapping local and remote repository but local does not
>> like 'Gmail' as type (bug?). So I must be missing something obvious and
>> am more than happy of one could point out where I've failed miserably...
>> Thanks,
>> HeX
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