Splitting the lists?

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Tue Jan 11 17:48:09 UTC 2011

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 02:35:54PM -0800, Ethan Schoonover wrote:
> Splitting out into two lists might be an opportunity to migrate off
> the current problematic list server if there is still interest in
> doing so.

As you certainly already know, I would tend to do so. That said, they
aren't so many free providers out there. Google groups have a good rate
IMHO but some subscribers don't like it.

Anyway, the only good way to create a users mailing list would be to
have nested lists such as zsh
  zsh-announce-subscribe at zsh.org  zsh-announce-unsubscribe at zsh.org
  zsh-users-subscribe at zsh.org     zsh-users-unsubscribe at zsh.org
  zsh-workers-subscribe at zsh.org   zsh-workers-unsubscribe at zsh.org

  These mailing lists are nested, and you should only
  be subscribed to one of the three.

  People on zsh-workers receive all the lists, and
  people on zsh-users will also receive the announcements.

but I'm not sure Google permits to do so.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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