Splitting the lists?

Ethan Schoonover es at ethanschoonover.com
Tue Jan 11 18:46:57 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 09:48, Nicolas Sebrecht
<nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net> wrote:
> Anyway, the only good way to create a users mailing list would be to
> have nested lists such as zsh
>  "
>  zsh-announce-subscribe at zsh.org  zsh-announce-unsubscribe at zsh.org
>  zsh-users-subscribe at zsh.org     zsh-users-unsubscribe at zsh.org
>  zsh-workers-subscribe at zsh.org   zsh-workers-unsubscribe at zsh.org

That is ideal. I don't believe Google Groups can be set up like that
(though I am in favor of moving the monolithic list over to Google for
reliability purposes if the current mailing list issues don't

Having thought about it some more, I think you're right that having
two lists isn't a good idea (unless nested as above). The overlap
between what is "development" and "use" in this case is large enough
that there would be information lost by breaking the lists apart. It's
reasonable to assume that any user capable of getting offlineimap up
and running can filter out messages, so +1 unified list.


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