Git release notes

Ng Oon-Ee ngoonee at
Wed Jan 12 09:16:59 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 10:13 +0100, Philipp Haselwarter wrote:
> I just cloned from github because the latest binary package for my
> distro is v6.2.0, and I felt a bit lost:
> - there's no INSTALL file
> - no NEWS
> - no ChangeLog
> - no Git-release-notes
> - UPGRADING got its last update "Date:   Sat Apr 16 20:33:35 2005 +0100"
> So I don't have the slightest idea of what changed and if any
> incompatibilities got introduced. If my config will still work, or if
> everything's going to break or just burst in flames.
> How will that be handled when there's a tagged release? Will you go
> through all the commit messages and make a changelog from that? Sounds
> painful to me..
> Please don't be sloppy with these things. In the light of the discussion
> on splitting the list between users and devs, I think it should be clear
> that there *are* some users out there who do not read every mail on the
> list and who don't feel like digging through the git log.
> cheers,
...and should probably be relying on their distro's packaging?

Not that you don't have a valid point, which should be dealt with, but
to call someone who's interested in self-compiling from 'git' a generic
user isn't exactly accurate.

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