Git release notes

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed Jan 12 16:34:52 UTC 2011

On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 10:13:28 +0100, Philipp Haselwarter <philipp.haselwarter at> wrote:
> I just cloned from github because the latest binary package for my
> distro is v6.2.0, and I felt a bit lost:
> - there's no INSTALL file
> - no NEWS
> - no ChangeLog
> - no Git-release-notes
> - UPGRADING got its last update "Date:   Sat Apr 16 20:33:35 2005 +0100"

> Please don't be sloppy with these things. In the light of the discussion
> on splitting the list between users and devs, I think it should be clear
> that there *are* some users out there who do not read every mail on the
> list and who don't feel like digging through the git log.

As you might well have noticed, did maintainership just switch over to
Nicolas. While I certainly cannot speak for him or his plans.

Also he send a release mail with what has changed for both 6.3.0 and
6.3.1, so we are not totally left in the dark. With git changelogs I
don't think it makes sense to maintain a very detailed CHANGELOG file,
some high-level information in the release announcements are good though
(and he has done that, not sure if that information should be put in
some file somewhere too).

Overall I think we are still in a phase where we re-establish and adapt
workflows to suit all committers and maintainers best. We are looking
forward to your contributions in helping us get there :).

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