git master is broke

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Sun Jan 23 17:19:24 GMT 2011

On Fri, 21 Jan 2011 14:00:20 -0800, Ethan Schoonover <es at> wrote:
> I'm seeing the same offlineimap.version import error here on Arch
> Linux (cloning from Nicolas' git repo directly):
> File ".../offlineimap-build/offlineimap/ui/", line 19, in <module>
> import offlineimap.version
> ImportError: No module named version

"next" has the patch that moves the version string to
"offlineimap.version". Master doesn't have it and there we still need to
refer to

offlineimap/ = "6.3.1"
> Assuming this is related to the migration of version constant
> definition to ? I'll try to troubleshoot here, but wanted
> to send out a note as well.

Yep. That is fallout from that. I am not sure what is going to happen
with master once we merge in the next branch (and the problem thus
resolved). Do we need to keep a long-lived 6.3.1 branch or do we focus
on 6.3.2 as the new stable then?

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