finds folders but doesn't download mail

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Tue Jul 5 17:13:11 BST 2011

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011 08:38:00 -0700 (PDT), Scott Kiesling <sfkiesling at> wrote:
Non-text part: multipart/mixed
Non-text part: multipart/alternative
> Hi-
> I'm new to offlineimap. This looks like the ideal solution for me; I have been downloading my mail locally to use mutt, and syncing computers up to now, but would also like to be able to keep recent messages on the server.

glad that you might find offlineimap useful. Nice report that you have
submitted, thanks for that.

You have hit a bug in offlineimap 6.3.3. We search for 17-June-2011 when
we should be searching for 17-Jun-2011:

DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.28 Folder sync [Pitt] [async] SEARCH ('(SINCE 17-June-2011)',)
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.29 Folder sync [Pitt] _get_untagged_response(OK) => ['[PERMANENTFLAGS ()] Permanent flags']
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.29 Folder sync [Pitt] _get_untagged_response(READ-ONLY) => ['']
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.29 Folder sync [Pitt] _request_push(CICL7, SEARCH, {})
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.29 Folder sync [Pitt] data=CICL7 SEARCH (SINCE 17-June-2011)
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.29 writer > CICL7 SEARCH (SINCE 17-June-2011)\r\n
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.34 reader poll => [(4, 1)]
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.34 reader rcvd 38
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.34 reader < CICL7 BAD Command Argument Error. 11\r\n
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.35 handler _request_pop(CICL7, ('BAD', ['Command Argument Error. 11']))
DEBUG[imap]:   32:20.35 handler BAD response: Command
Argument Error. 11

And the server correctly bails out with an error. The current code has
that fixed, but hasn't been released yet. (It also has better error
messages if we get server errors when selecting a folder)

 You might want to try the current next branch,

Download, unpack, and run locally with ./ and see if it
fixes the problem. Do report back :-).

Hopefully arch is going to pick up the next release quickly.
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