maildir on windows share ?

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at
Fri Jul 8 16:38:20 BST 2011

On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 12:52:03PM +0200, Vladimir Marek wrote:

> > The changes would be limited to that file, yes. There is a regex and a
> > couple of places where the ':' is used in order to parse or construct
> > the filenames though, so this would require a bit of work. (still
> > feasible though).
> > 
> > I am not sure what Nicolas would say about such an optional configuration, but in
> > case he finds it acceptable... Care to whip up a patch?
> I'll probably do it anyway for myself. If there will be slightest chance
> of being accepted, I'll gladly work on it.

Looks like you're not the only one to have hit this issue

... Unless you are "User1"?

Agreed for a configuration option. I'm more thinking about something

  maildir-windows-compatible = yes

with a good comment about what it does and why. A new entry in the
manual in the "known bugs" section would be nice.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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