[PATCH] Re: New account setting "maildir-windows-compatible" - That makes OfflineIMAP to use exclamation mark (!) instead of colon for storing messages. Such files can be written to windows partitions. But you will probably loose compatibility with other programs trying to read the same Maildir.

Nicolas Sebrecht nicolas.s-dev at laposte.net
Tue Jul 12 20:57:41 BST 2011

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 09:40:30PM +0200, Vladimir Marek wrote:

> > In order to get it merged, I only need your signed-off-by line.
> I'll probably need some help here. I can see that "git format-patch" has
> -s option. Should I re-generate the patch and sent 'signed' patch?

Well, you can sign at either commit or format-patch time with the -s
option. This is the normal case.

> Or just writing this line here is enough?
> Signed-off-by: Vladimir Marek <vladimir.marek at oracle.com>

But in such case, the above is enough. I'll fix the commit.

Thanks for the patch; merged.

Nicolas Sebrecht

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