Offlineimap 6.3.3-rc1 hangs

Vincent Beffara vbeffara at
Thu Mar 17 15:32:10 UTC 2011

Sebastian Spaeth writes:
SS> Sad to hear that, and it is definitely not what should be happening.
SS> Perhaps you can run a) singlethreaded and b) with debug output to
SS> get more information on what is happening (or not).

All I get is this:

DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.02 Account sync allimap imaplib2 version 2.20
DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.02 Account sync allimap imaplib2 debug level 5
DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.03 writer starting
DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.03 reader starting using poll
DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.03 Account sync allimap _request_push(continuation,
                          None, {})
DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.13 handler starting
DEBUG[imap]:   25:21.62 reader poll => [(4, 1)]

SS> That having said, try even the new 6.3.3-rc1 which uses a different
SS> imap library.

This _is_ 6.3.3-rc1 with imaplib2. I will try to bisect the error to see
when it appeared ...

SS> Which python version are you using?

Python 2.6.6 (from Fink, on mac os x 10.6)


|                 |   UMPA - ENS Lyon   | Mél: vbeffara at |
| Vincent Beffara |  46 allée d'Italie  | Tél: (+33) 4 72 72 85 25  |
|                 | 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 | Fax: (+33) 4 72 72 84 80  |

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