Error on gmail sync

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed May 25 11:53:16 UTC 2011

On Tue, 24 May 2011 20:52:43 +0200, Antoine Levitt <antoine.levitt at> wrote:
> 18/05/11 17:19, Antoine Levitt
> > My config and the error log are attached. This is in v6.3.4-rc1, after a
> > sync that had one new mail. Next sync was fine and the message was
> > retrieved.
> Any takers? This is 100% reproductible: it happens whenever new mail is
> fetched from the server. FWIW, I run dovecot on the local backend.

This is an inconsistency between your LocalStatus cache and the
UIDMapping file, mapping between the Gmail UIDs and the local IMAP UID,
in folder facebook.

Somehow, it expects that you have a message with UID 5281 in our
facebook/LocalStatus file, which you apparently don't, so it craps out.

Check the ~/.offlineimap/Repository-LocalXXX/UIDMapping/facebook file and
search for occurences of 5281 (delete the line if it is in there).

Guessed right?

Good luck,

P.S. Again, we need to be much more robust against these kinds of
inconsistencies that we don't expect but obviously occur.

> I'm not sure how to read the debug log, but a new uid seems to be
> created, but the uid comes out as null after the call to savemessage.
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