offlineimap and the Assertion Error (was: Syncing IMAP to IMAP: "Error from select: ('NO', ['Mailbox does not exist'])" or "Error from select: ('NO', ['Mailbox does not exist'])")

Johannes Kastl ojkastl at
Fri May 13 07:54:56 BST 2011

Hash: SHA1

On 06.05.11 17:14 Johannes Kastl wrote:

> I'll keep you guys informed about wether the error can be solved within
> offlineimap or if 1blu have to change their server...

I got an e-mail from the 1blu support, asking for my offlineimaprc,
because they were not able to reproduce the error.

I tested it again, and the errors were gone. But, as these folders got
synced, offlineimap "crashed" with an Assertion error:

> Copy message 2254 from Entw&APw-rfe:
>  Copy message 2254 IMAP[Entw&APw-rfe] -> MappedIMAP[Entw&APw-rfe]
>  Thread 'Copy message 2253 from Entw&APw-rfe' terminated with exception:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/Shared/Downloads/00_Macbook_Baghira/offlineimap-GIT/offlineimap/offlineimap/", line 159, in run
>   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/", line 477, in run
>     self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
>   File "/Users/Shared/Downloads/00_Macbook_Baghira/offlineimap-GIT/offlineimap/offlineimap/folder/", line 334, in copymessageto
>   File "/Users/Shared/Downloads/00_Macbook_Baghira/offlineimap-GIT/offlineimap/offlineimap/folder/", line 188, in savemessage
>   File "/Users/Shared/Downloads/00_Macbook_Baghira/offlineimap-GIT/offlineimap/offlineimap/folder/", line 436, in savemessage
> AssertionError
> Last 4 debug messages logged for Copy message 2253 from Entw&APw-rfe prior to exception:
> imap: Returned object from fetching 2253: ('OK', [('189 (UID 2253 BODY[] {1845}', ... [snipped]
> imap: savemessage: called
> imap: savemessage: using date "24-Jul-2007 18:04:18 +0100"
> imap: savemessage: content is: ... [snipped]

Curiously, these errors did not happen when syncing to the Hetzner
IMAP-Server, so they must have something to do with the 1blu server and
its settings.

Any hints? I could deliver a IMAP debug output, if needed.

- -- 
`But you think you're right?´ said Harry. `Naturally I do, but as I have
already proven to you, I make mistakes like the next man. In fact, being
- - forgive me - rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be
correspondingly huger.´ (Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter 6)
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