More traces

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Wed Oct 5 16:07:09 UTC 2011

> On Tue, 04 Oct 2011 13:59:35 -0500, John Wiegley <jwiegley at> wrote:
> "offlineimap/", line 539, in idle
> OfflineImapError: Error SELECTing mailbox 'INBOX', server reply:
> ('NO', ['System error (Failure)'])

Fun, we try to select a folder, but your server answers with this
message. I wonder what we are supposed to do if it refuses to select a
folder. We surely can't pretend it happened, and we cannot assume things
will work if we drop a connection and create a new one.

> "packages/offlineimap/",
> line 495, in noop
> abort: command: NOOP => connection terminated

This is actually another unprotected spot that we might want to protect
against dropped connections. Thanks.

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