offlineimap hangs

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Thu Apr 19 16:44:42 BST 2012

Bhaskara Marthi <bhaskara at> writes:
> I've noticed that offlineimap sometimes becomes unresponsive.  Here is an
> example trace:

> At this point, offlineimap became unresponsive for several minutes.
> Eventually I hit control-C and got a "Terminating NOW" message, but again
> nothing happened for a few minutes; the only way to force it to quit was
> with a SIGQUIT (Control-\).

In this case, things seem to get stuck in the imaplib2 library, so we
don't reach a breakpoint where we can safely exit. I have a hard time
debugging these things as I don't experience the hangs.

At some point there were some hangs reported that occured with Gmail
only, but I have not seen such reports for some time now.

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