[Imaplib2-devel] Two patches to improve compatibility with Python 2.6

Piers Lauder piers at janeelix.com
Sun Apr 22 12:05:07 BST 2012

On Tue, 3 Apr 2012 07:49:17 +0400, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
  > > > The second one works around the old bug in Python that was fixed
  > > > in the early versions of 2.6, but since OfflineIMAP documentation
  > > > says that 2.6 is supported, it will be good to have it really fully
  > > > supported,
  > > http://codelabs.ru/patches/offlineimap/
  > > for this one, I would suggest that you send it directly to the imaplib2
  > > list, because I would prefer to bundle an unmodified upstream version if
  > > possible at all. I'm copying in the imaplib2 list in this reply, so
  > > let's see if the imaplib2 maintainer takes it.
  > OK, that's fine.  Gentlemen from the imaplib team, is the patch OK
  > or it should be reworked?

This patch is redundant - it was fixed some time back.

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