Pushed folder sync fix (&test #3) to next

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Thu Feb 16 11:06:23 UTC 2012

While improving the test suite, I noticed that we would not create folders on
the remote in some cases when we should (yay for test suites!). This is because
we were testing the untransposed LOCAL foldername and check if it existed on
the remote side when deciding whether we should potentially create a new

This prevented some local folders from propagating to remote in the case
that you used 1) nametrans rules and 2) folders with the same
(untranslated) name existed on both REMOTE and LOCAL.

I fixed this and created test #3 in our lit'l test suite that failed
before the patches and passes after the patches. This is the first time,
that the test suite actually helped me to identify and fix a bug.

The fixes are in these 3 patches that just went on my next branch:

10dd317 Folder: Implement __eq__ for folders
189d78c sync_folder_structure: make more readable
ac033c6 Improve nametrans local->remote folder syncing

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