Working 6.3.4 config breaks in

Michael Williams mike at
Tue Feb 14 12:28:11 GMT 2012

On 13 Feb 2012, at 17:59, Daniel Shahaf wrote:

> Michael Williams wrote on Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 17:40:38 +0100:
>> Hi all,
>> thanks to all who quickly spotted the problem, and for the configuration changes.
>> On 13 Feb 2012, at 17:00, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>>>> I'd suggest something like:
>>>> [Repository localmpe]
>>>> type = Maildir
>>>> localfolders = ~/.mail/mpe
>>>> nametrans = lambda folder: "INBOX." + folder
>>>> Would that work for you?
>>> It'll break when the remote folder name is "INBOX".
>>> nametrans = lambda f: ["INBOX."+f, f][f == "INBOX"]
>> I can figure out roughly what Sebastian's (and Jonas Hörsch's)
>> suggestion does, but I don't speak Python, so I don't understand how
>> Daniel's works.
> It constructs a list (array) of two elements and then picks an element
> of that array:
> l = ["INBOX."+f, f]
> if f == "INBOX":
>   return l[1]
> else:
>   return l[0]
> Another option is:
> nametrans = lambda f: "INBOX."+f if f != "INBOX" else f
> And in any case, both of these assume that all your folders, except
> "INBOX", are named "INBOX.something".

That assumption is correct. Thanks, I understand how yours works now.

But why is any data transferred following the configuration change and upgrade? Surely if my repositories were in sync before, they are also in sync after?


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