How to safely upgrade to newest stable?

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Fri Jan 6 12:47:23 UTC 2012

On Thu, 5 Jan 2012 19:13:53 -0800 (PST), chris coleman wrote:
> Concerned about data loss.  This is a production box with ~80GB of email on there.  Can have only about 1-2 hours downtime per night.
> 1) What's the newest stable version ?

6.4.4 which should work fine for IMAP<->Maildir, but has been reported
to be flakey with IMAP<->IMAP.

> 2) What's the safe way to upgrade from to the newest stable?

1) Sync to make sure things are reasonably similar
2) Drop in the latest OLI code
3) Change the account section to status_backend = sqlite
4) A new sync will convert your plain text cache to an sqlite cache (but
leave the old plain text cache around for easy reverting)
   This should be quick and not involve any mail up/downloading.
5) See if it works :-)
6a) If it does not work, go back to the old version or set
6b) Or once you are sure it works, you can delete the
.offlineimap/Account-foo/LocalStatus folder (the new cache will be in
the LocalStatus-sqlite folder)

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