ANNOUNCE OfflineImap v6.5.2-rc1

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Mon Jan 9 09:13:09 GMT 2012

v6.5.1.1 contained a switch from using an internal imaplib2 function to
the public version (.response()), however that led to reports that
"UIDVALIDY" and "APPENDUID" fetching sometimes failed, despite the
server having sent data. This can entail duplicate messages but no data
loss. But as it is very annoying and buggy, I herewith release the next
-rc1 containing smallish fixes that fix this behavior. A proper
Changelog will be delivered on the next full release. If you experience
crashes with please test this version first.

Please test this release candidate, or it will becomes v6.5.2 soonish.
Grab 1) via git (tag v6.5.2-rc1 or current master) 2) or from

OfflineIMAP v6.5.2-rc1 (2012-01-09)
Commits v6.5.1.1 - v6.5.2-rc1:
note: Proper Changelog still in Changelog-draft.rst
d72bb88 Improve error message
3284e01 Revert "use .response() rather _get_untagged_response()"
81f194a mbnames should write out local and not nametransformed box names
7184ec2 Sanity check return value of UIDVALIDTY response
50de217 Allow to pass 'force' arg to selectro() to enforce a new select
ed71805 Changelog entry about "realdelete" option
0a275b9 Add scary warnings about "realdelete" option
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