Still alive

John Wiegley jwiegley at
Mon Jan 2 23:49:52 GMT 2012

>>>>> Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at> writes:

> Just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive, and that I have not
> read any offlieimap related email for more than 3 weeks. I have been sick
> for quite some weeks and family and work issues cropped up.
> Don't despair, all those emails still sit unread in my inbox and I am going
> through. I am committed to bring OLI into a stable state again, in which
> IMAP<->IMAP works reliably (this is currently something fragile, it seems).

Thanks for letting us know, Sebastian.  I'm sorry to hear that you've been
feeling unwell.  I hope the New Year sees your time and energy return. :)


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