offlineimap stops working on 6.3.3 -> 6.4.2 upgrade

Sean Whitton sean at
Sat Jan 7 18:28:13 GMT 2012

On 7 Jan 2012 at 11:19Z, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

> 1) Please upgrade to 6.5.0. The 6.4.x is truly borked, I am sorry for
> that.  2) Yes, you got caught in a code change of the offlineimap
> internals. Flags are now a set, and not a list anymore (because that
> is logically what they are, a set of flags). You'll need minor
> adaptations:


> Hope this is still in time to help you solve your problem. That having
> said, I have long term plans to let us map more maildir and IMAP flags
> via the configuration file, I would love to e.g. also sync my "\\Junk"
> IMAP flags and others. But that is still a bit out in the future.

Thanks for the reply, I’ve upgraded to and edited my as the previous respondent suggested, and now as far as
I can tell the flags are being synced as appropriate.

I feel I should say that your line “6.4.x is truly borked” frightens me
because offlineimap has always boasted being incredibly safe, in terms
of not accidentally deleting stuff, so for an entire version to be
broken knocks my confidence somewhat.

Thanks again.

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