offlineimap stops working on 6.3.3 -> 6.4.2 upgrade

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at
Sat Jan 7 20:29:47 GMT 2012

On Sat, 07 Jan 2012 17:29:26 +0100, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
> Syncing idc: IMAP -> Maildir                                                    
> Adding flag a to 74 messages on idc                                             
> Deleting flag S from 186 messages on idc
> The latter folder has not been touched in weeks, and what is flag a?


you are using dovecot right? And that dovecot uses custom flags, such as
:2,a ?

In that case we (erroneously) ignored the whole thing previously. A
regex fix included all flags. And it will attempt to sync these 'a'
flags over to the other side (which won't work). So the next sync will
remove those custom 'a' flags (as they appear to be deleted on the other
side) on the local repository. Not too nice, but custom Maildir flags are not
and have never been supported (yet).

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