Successive syncs copy and delete same 4 messages

Dave Abrahams dave at
Tue Jul 3 14:44:37 BST 2012

See below.  This pattern just repeats constantly.  Is there anything I
can do about it?

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
pluto:~ dave% offlineimap -o
OfflineIMAP 6.5.4
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Account sync BoostPro:
 *** Processing account BoostPro
 Establishing connection to
 Establishing connection to tunnel:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap
Folder INBOX [acc: BoostPro]:
 Syncing INBOX: Gmail -> MappedIMAP
Folder [Gmail]/All Mail [acc: BoostPro]:
 Syncing [Gmail]/All Mail: Gmail -> MappedIMAP
 Deleting 4 messages (248825,258855,258858,262943) in Gmail[[Gmail]/All Mail]
imap(dave): Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=611 out=1483748
Account sync BoostPro:
 Calling hook: /Users/dave/bin/imap-postsync localhost dave --soft-errors
 Hook stdout: connecting to IMAP on 'localhost':9143
logging into IMAP
Updating Dovecot search indexes
Notifying about new mail
Done with post-sync

Hook stderr:

 Hook return code: 0
 *** Finished account 'BoostPro' in 0:16
pluto:~ dave% offlineimap -o
OfflineIMAP 6.5.4
  Licensed under the GNU GPL v2+ (v2 or any later version)
Account sync BoostPro:
 *** Processing account BoostPro
 Establishing connection to
 Establishing connection to tunnel:/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap
Folder INBOX [acc: BoostPro]:
 Syncing INBOX: Gmail -> MappedIMAP
Folder [Gmail]/All Mail [acc: BoostPro]:
 Syncing [Gmail]/All Mail: Gmail -> MappedIMAP
 Copy message 262943 (1 of 4) BoostProRemote:[Gmail]/All Mail -> BoostProLocal
 Copy message 248825 (2 of 4) BoostProRemote:[Gmail]/All Mail -> BoostProLocal
 Copy message 258855 (3 of 4) BoostProRemote:[Gmail]/All Mail -> BoostProLocal
Copy message from BoostProRemote:[Gmail]/All Mail:
 Establishing connection to
Folder [Gmail]/All Mail [acc: BoostPro]:
 Copy message 258858 (4 of 4) BoostProRemote:[Gmail]/All Mail -> BoostProLocal
imap(dave): Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=31712 out=1484655
Account sync BoostPro:
 Calling hook: /Users/dave/bin/imap-postsync localhost dave --soft-errors
 Hook stdout: connecting to IMAP on 'localhost':9143
logging into IMAP
Updating Dovecot search indexes
Notifying about new mail
Done with post-sync

Hook stderr:

 Hook return code: 0
 *** Finished account 'BoostPro' in 0:16
pluto:~ dave% 
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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