Hi offlineimap maintainer

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Fri Jun 15 11:10:29 BST 2012

Dmitrijs Ledkovs <xnox at debian.org> writes:

> Well, I took it, cause I was using it. Little did I know that almost
> every Debian Developer is using it as well.

Yes, it seems OfflineImap is quite popular with Debian Developers. I
hope I can keep it this way. I am in the process of digging through the
email archive from the last few month and hope to apply all outstanding
patches rather soonish. And yes, I want to keep upstream as responsive
as possible, so I'd be happy oo apply Debian specific patches upstream

> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=670872
> Which I have yet to start troubleshooting. What is your preferred way to
> track memory allocation in python/offlineimap?

Outch, that sounds bad. Unfortunately I am not aware of any changes that
would have affected memory consumption negatively.

To be honest, memory profiling is not my strong side (that's why I love
Python so much :-)). Are you experienced with python memory debugging
(or anyone else listening)?

I would love to get this under control. Do many people experience this?
My dozen folders and 50k messages don't show any problems.

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