Possible bug in offlineimap: zero length field name in format

Nik Reiman nik.reiman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 12:27:51 BST 2012

I can no longer sync my gmail with offlineimap, I now get the following

ERROR: Syncing folder INBOX [acc: Gmail]
  zero length field name in format
ERROR: ERROR in syncfolder for Gmail folder INBOX: Traceback (most
  recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/offline-imap/6.5.4/libexec/offlineimap/accounts.py", line 438, in syncfolder remotefolder.syncmessagesto(localfolder, statusfolder)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/offline-imap/6.5.4/libexec/offlineimap/folder/Base.py", line 526, in syncmessagesto action(dstfolder, statusfolder)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/offline-imap/6.5.4/libexec/offlineimap/folder/Base.py", line 426, in syncmessagesto_delete self.ui.deletingmessages(deletelist, [dstfolder])
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/offline-imap/6.5.4/libexec/offlineimap/ui/UIBase.py", line 351, in deletingmessages offlineimap.imaputil.uid_sequence(uidlist), ds))
ValueError: zero length field name in format

  zero length field name in format

I have checked my gmail account and don't see any strangely formatted
messages. What could be the problem?


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