Reliability and shutdown

ael at
Sat May 12 12:58:26 BST 2012

On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 01:06:22PM -0700, Tracy Reed wrote:
> I've been using offlineimap for about 5 months. It seems to be the right tool
> for the job and does exactly what I want (bi-directional IMAP sync so I can
> read mail locally). 
> My only complaint is that it has been terribly unreliable.

You are not alone. offlineimap has shown these sorts of problems for
many years. Mostly it is possible to work around the faults, but the
latest version seems to have got somewhat worse.

Using the "-1" option usually modifies the behaviour but does not
consistently fix the problems in the latest version.

I know that this is not a very helpful answer - for anyone. But
it seems clear that there is some sort of underlying design problem
which I strongly suspect involves races. If only I had time to spare...


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